Legal information about J. P. Peel & Co Ltd

J. P. Peel & Co Ltd is a UK registered company with no. 08237749.

The registered company address (where a list of the directors may be viewed on request) is:

B12 Taylors Court,
Taylors Lane,
South Yorkshire
S62 6NU
United Kingdom

J. P. Peel & Co Ltd is regulated in the UK by the Intellectual Property Regulation Board 
(for more details, including code of conduct and conflicts, please consult

The information provided on this website is for the purposes of marketing and does not constitute legal advice.  We are not responsible or liable for any error, omission, consequence, loss or damage arising from its use. If you have a particular query, please could you contact us.

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How to contact us

We pride ourselves on our friendly and supportive service and do not charge for an initial telephone discussion or meeting to discuss how we might help you.

To arrange this, simply call us on +44 (0) 20 8892 5569 or +44 (0) 7747 454049